Now, this IS Rockets Science: VALIMET, Inc. visiting CU Sounding Rocket Laboratory at University of Colorado Boulder.
We’ve just met a passionate team that has been progressing from Rocket Engines manufacturing to an upcoming Space Launch (project MAMBA).
This School truly manufactures Engineers with multi-disciplinary knowledge. We’ve been told that the whole program aims at human development: the combination of skills & soft skills is the ultimate focus.
See them in the photo, from left to right:
- Blake Hannum (Business Lead, the host who successfully lead us to become a sponsor)
- Ben Chapel (Team Captain)
- Ryan Stevenson (Solids launch responsible)
- Yours Truly
- Michael Sherman (Team Captain)
- Tyler Boim (Resident Expert on Propellant)
- Zachary Turner (Solids Lead)
- Chris Adam (someone had to take the picture)
There are many more youngsters in this lab: see their names & faces on
We’re glad to contribute and power this project with our Aluminum powders. Looking forward to the next launch!
Luigi Alzati
VP Sales and marketing